Out-of-State Institution Registration

Last updated: 3/26/2025

Certain out–of–state private postsecondary educational institutions must register with the Bureau and comply with specified laws and regulations. Registration requirements do not apply to degree–granting higher education institutions that are:

  • Formed as a nonprofit corporation and accredited by an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. "Nonprofit corporation" means an institution to which contributions have been determined by the United States Internal Revenue Service to be tax–deductible pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the Internal Revenue Code, subject to the limitations described in Section 94874.1.
  • Public institutions of higher education. "Public institution of higher education" means any of the following:
    • An institution that meets the definition of subdivision (a) of Section 66010, including a district or campus of the California Community Colleges.
    • An institution operated by the United States government, a state, as defined in Section 3306(j)(1) of Title 26 of the United States Code, a local government, as defined in Section 1393(a)(5) of Title 26 of the United States Code, or Indian tribal government, as defined in Section 7701(a)(40) of Title 26 of the United States Code.
    • An institution that is an instrumentality of a state or local government if it meets all of the following:
      • The institution's employees are government employees.
      • The institution's liabilities are payable to the same degree as if they were liabilities of the state or local government, in the state or local government jurisdiction where the institution is formed.
      • The institution is subject to the same financial oversight and open public records laws as the state or local government, in the state or local government jurisdiction where the institution is formed.

All other out–of–state postsecondary education institutions operating in the state of California but without a physical presence requiring Bureau approval must register with the Bureau.

A list of institutions currently registered with the Bureau can be found below. If you believe an out–of–state institution operating in California is subject to registration requirements but is not on the list below, please email enforcement@bppe.ca.gov or file a complaint for the Bureau to investigate. Complaints about registered institutions may be filed in the same manner.

School Name City State Inst. Code Accreditor Website Phone Main Admin Address
ACI Learning Tech Academy Centennial CO 56429906 ACCET www.acitechacademy.com 303-832-4665 6855 S. Havana Street Suite 230, Centennial, CO 80112
American Business & Technology Institute Saint Joseph MO 36348943 DEAC www.abtu.edu 816-279-7000 620 Francis Street, Suite 210, Saint Joseph, MO 64506
American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Houston TX 58073286 SACSCOC www.acaom.edu 713-780-9777 9100 Park West Dr., Houston, TX 77063
American College of Education Indianapolis IN 35117968 HLC www.ace.edu 800-280-0307 101 West Ohio St., Suite 1200, Indianapolis, IN 46204
American College of Healthcare Sciences Portland OR 64456135 DEAC www.achs.edu 800-487-8839 5005 S. Macadam Ave, Portland, OR 97239
American Denturist College Eugene OR 49488956 DEAC www.adc.edu 800-544-6267 145 E. 12th Alley, Eugene, OR 97401
American InterContinental University Online Chandler IL 13951562 HLC www.aiuniv.edu 877-701-3800 2200 East Germann Road, Chandler, AZ 85286
American National University, Inc. Salem VA 94841305 DEAC https://an.edu/ 540-986-1800 1813 East Main Street, Salem, VA 24153
American National University of Kentucky, Inc Louisville KY 93236090 ABHES https://an.edu/ 540-986-1800 4205 Dixie Highway, Louisville, KY 40216
American Public University System Charles Town WV 40866406 HLC www.apus.edu 877-755-2787 111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414
AnimSchool Orem UT 95437571 ACCSC www.animschool.com 845-612-1715 3585 N. University Ave. Suite #250, Orem, UT 84604
Arizona College of Nursing- Las Vegas Las Vegas NV 33474576 ABHES www.arizonacollege.edu 702-831-5000 8363 West Sunset Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas NV 89113
Arlington Career Institute Grand Prairie TX 90324194 ACCSC www.arlingtoncareerinstitute.edu 972-647-1607 2201 E. Lamar Boulevard, Suite 105, Arlington, TX 76006
Ashworth College Norcross GA 66695815 DEAC www.ashworthcollege.edu 800-957-5412 5051 Peachtree Corners Circle, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30092
Aspen University Phoenix AZ 87411353 DEAC www.aspen.edu 800-373-7814 4615 E. Elwood St. Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85040
Atlantis University Miami FL 69570139 ACCSC www.atlantisuniversity.edu 855-287-3347 1011 Sunnybrook Road, 10th Floor, Miami, FL 33136
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts Boulder CO 21977956 ACCET/COE www.escoffier.edu 877-249-0305 637 S. Broadway Street, Suite H, Boulder, CO 80305
Blackstone Career Institute Allentown PA 88083953 DEAC www.blackstone.edu 800-826-9228 1011 Brookside Road, Suite 300, Allentown, PA 18106
Brookline College Phoenix AZ 84613528 ABHES www.brooklinecollege.edu 888-875-1353 2445 W. Dunlap Ave., Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85021
Brookline College Albuquerque NM 68561058 ABHES www.brooklinecollege.edu 888-717-0199 4201 Central Ave NW, Suite J, Albuquerque, NM 87105
Bryan University Tempe AZ 54190126 ACCSC www.bryanuniversity.edu 888-768-6861 350 West Washington Street, Suite 100, Tempe, AZ 85281
California Intercontinental University Sioux Falls SD 24255769 DEAC www.caluniversity.edu 949-359-0048 101 S. Reid Street, Suite 307, Sioux Falls, SD 57103
Capella University Minneapolis MN 93197946 HLC www.capella.edu 866-808-4080 225 South Sixth Street, 9th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Care Hope College Jupiter FL 83979094 TRACS www.carehope.edu 561-966-0551 10094 Indiantown Rd, Jupiter, FL 37582
CCI Training Center Arlington TX 20747167 ACCET www.ccitraining.edu 817-226-1900 770 E Road to Six Flags Suite 140, Arlington, TX 76011
Center for Advanced Legal Studies Houston TX 75990966 COE www.paralegal.edu 713-529-2778 800 W. Sam Houston Parkway S, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77042
Centura College Chesapeake VA 13317579 ACCSC www.centuracollege.edu 877-523-9528 1150 Greenbrier Parkway, Chesapeake, VA 23320
Chamberlain University Chicago IL 62812611 HLC www.chamberlain.edu 877-571-5783 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60606
Charter College Anchorage AK 83344706 ABHES www.chartercollege.edu 360-448-2000 2221 East Northern Lights, Blvd #120, Anchorage, AK 99508
Chi University Reddick FL 29965996 DEAC www.chiu.edu 800-860-1543 9650 West Highway 318, Reddick, FL 32686
Clinical Pastoral Education International Orange Park FL 98311851 DEAC www.cpei.edu 904-233-6885 2105 Park Ave, Suite 1, Orange Park, FL 32073
College for Financial Planning Centennial CO 96706559 HLC www.cffp.edu 800-237-9990 9000 E Nichols Ave Ste 200, Centennial, CO 80112
College of Biomedical Equipment Technology San Antonio TX 30562462 ACCET www.cbet.edu 844-879-9043 11550 IH-10 West, Suite 190, San Antonio, TX 78230
College of Court Reporting Valparaiso IN 65052456 DEAC www.ccr.edu 866-294-3974 455 West Lincolnway, Suite A, Valparaiso, IN 46385
Colorado Technical University Colorado Springs CO 77596181 HLC www.coloradotech.edu 855-230-0555 1575 Garden of the Gods Road, Suite 100, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Columbia Southern University Orange Beach AL 98349962 SACSCOC www.columbiasouthern.edu 800-977-8449 21982 University Lane, Orange Beach, AL 36561
Concorde Career College Kansas City MO 32243800 ACCSC www.concorde.edu 800-693-7010 930 Carondelet Drive, Kansas City, MO 64111
Concorde Career College Memphis TN 84613605 COE www.concorde.edu/campus/memphis-tennessee 901-761-3293 5100 Poplar Avenue Suite 132, Memphis, TN 38137
DeVry University Naperville IL 60985710 HLC www.devry.edu 630-428-9086 1200 East Diehl Road, Naperville, IL 60563
DigiPen Institute of Technology Redmond WA 66734036 ACCSC www.digipen.edu 866-478-5236 9931 Willows Road NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Digital Animation & Visual Effects School Orlando FL 73040432 MSCHE www.dave.nuc.edu 407-385-1100 2500 Universal Studios Plaza, Sound Stage 25, Orlando, FL 32819
Dunlap-Stone University Peoria AZ 58745929 DEAC www.dunlap-stone.edu 602-648-5750 16165 N 83rd Ave, Ste 200, Peoria, AZ 85382
Eagle Gate College Murray UT 15595064 ABHES www.eaglegatecollege.edu 888-618-9336 5588 South Green Street, Murray, UT 84123
Eagle Gate College Boise Boise ID 61543756 ABHES www.eaglegatecollege.edu/locations/boise 208-400-5809 9300 West Overland Road, Suite 200, Boise, ID 83709
Eagle Gate College Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 12721081 ABHES www.eaglegatecollege.edu/locations/idaho-falls 208-285-4302 1592 East 17th Street, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Eagle Gate College-Layton Layton UT 47172833 ABHES www.eagelgatecollege.edu/locations/layton 208-285-4302 915 North 400 West, Layton, UT 84041
E-C Council University Albuquerque NM 39184826 DEAC www.eccu.edu 505-922-2886 101 C Sun Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
ECPI University Virginia Beach VA 47249166 SACSCOC www.ecpi.edu 844 334 4466 5555 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA 23462
Full Sail LLC Winter Park FL 65052390 ACCSC www.fullsail.edu 800-226-7625 3300 University Blvd., Winter Park, FL 32792
Galen College of Nursing Louisville KY 12086484 SACSCOC www.galencollege.edu 877-223-7040 3050 Terra Crossing Blvd., Louisville, KY, 40245
Galvanize Boulder CO 21977967 www.galvanize.com 303-749-0110 1023 Walnut St #100, Boulder, CO 80302
Institute of Health Sciences Hunt Valley MD 79461446 ABHES www.iohs.edu 410-891-2514 11031 McCormick Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031
International College of Healthcare Sciences Boynton Beach FL 74722331 ACCSC www.ichs.edu 561-202-6333 1325 S. Congress Ave, Suite 201, Boynton Beach, FL 33426
IT Expert System Inc. Schaumburg IL 27688083   www.itexps.net 847-350-9034 951 N. Plum Grove Road Suite A, Schaumburg, IL 6017
Jetmapp School of Nursing Miami FL 85210488   www.jetmapschool.com 786-520-4064 20451 NW 2nd Ave, Ste 101, Miami, FL 33169
John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences South Bend IN 88083997 ACCSC www.jpu.edu 888-578-4968 100 E. Wayne Street, Suite 140, South Bend, IN 46601
Jose Maria Vargas University Pembroke Pines FL 82297536 DEAC www.jmvu.edu 954-322-4460 10131 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
Joyce University Draper UT 50123455 ABHES www.joyce.edu 801-872-9316 12257 Business Park Drive, Suite 100, Draper, UT 84020
Kennedy University of Leadership Institute Miami FL 55795429   www.kennedy.education 949-763-9055 100 Southeast 2nd Street, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131
LIM College New York NY 64456124 MSCHE www.limcollege.edu 212-752-1530 545 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Martinsburg College Martinsburg WV 43106262 DETC www.martinsburgcollege.edu 304-945-0656 341 Aikens Center, Martinsburg, WV 25404
Masterschool Newark OH 32840374 www.masterschool.com 504-322-7004 14 North Park Place, Newark, OH 43055
MedCerts Livonia MI 58111419 www.medcerts.com 800-734-1175 14143 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI, 48154
Miller-Motte College Chattanooga TN 40231896 ACCSC www.miller-motte.edu 423-892-2093 6397 Lee Highway, Suite 100, Chattanooga, TN 37421
Monroe University Bronx NY 88045930 MSCHE www.monroe.edu/ 646-393-8257 2501 Monroe Ave, Bronx. NY 10468
Moreland University Washington DC 81701512 DEAC www.moreland.edu 844-283-2246 1100 17th St NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20036
MyComputerCareer Columbus OH 12682761 ACCET www.mycomputercareer.edu 614-891-3200 4349 Easton Way, Suite 145, Columbus, OH 43219
MyComputerCareer Indianapolis IN 59304086 ACCET www.mycomputercareer.edu 317-550-3044 2601 Fortune Cir East Ste. 100, Indianapolis, IN 46241
National American University Rapid City SD 18431342 HLC www.national.edu 800-209-0182 5301 Mount Rushmore Rd., Rapid City, SD 57701
National Midwifery Institute Williston VT 95437549 Midwifery EAC www.nationalmidwiferyinstitute.com 802-322-4300 1375 Maple Tree Place #1026, Williston, VT 05495
National Paralegal College dba Crestpoint University Phoenix AZ 76587596 DEAC www.nationalparalegal.edu 202-234-5100 717 East Maryland Ave; Suite 115, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Neumont College of Computer Science Salt Lake City UT 4721103 NWCCU www.neumont.edu 888-638-6668 143 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Neurodiagnostic Technology Institute Clermont FL 69608558 ACCET www.neurodiagnostictechnologyinstitute.com 407-601-7832 805 Oakley Seaver Drive, Suite 102, Clermont, FL 34711
New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Mahwah NJ 78865167 www.njctl.org 609-310-1285 115 Franklin Turnpike #203, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Nexford University Washington DC 35676213 DEAC www.nexford.edu 202-280-2049 1140 3rd St NE, Washington, DC 20002
Nightingale College Salt Lake City UT 38588481 NWCCU www.nightingale.edu 801-689-2160 95 S State Street, STE 400, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
NUC University - Bayamón Campus Bayamón PR 57064613 CHE/MSA www.online.nuc.edu/en 305-390-8406 Plaza Building, Rd. 2, Km. 11.2, Bayamón, PR 00961
NUC University - South Florida Campus Pembroke Pines FL 96072092 CHE/MSA www.online.nuc.edu/en 305-390-8406 12520 Pines Blvd. Suite 100-A Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33027
NUC University-Florida Technical College Orlando FL 12086561 MSCHE www.ftccollege.edu 407-447-7300 12900 Challenger Parkway, Orlando, FL 32826
Nucamp Bellevue WA 90285919 www.nucamp.co 888-803-3963 12707 NE 30th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005
Penn Foster Career School Scranton PA 96706548 DEAC www.pennfoster.edu 800-427-6200 200 Hickory Street, Scranton, PA 18505
Penn Foster College Scottsdale AZ 24217559 DEAC www.pennfoster.edu 800-471-3232 14300 N. Northsight Blvd, Suite 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Pima Medical Institute Tucson AZ 52959393 ABHES www.pmi.edu/locations/Arizona/Tucson 800-477-7462 2121 N. Craycroft Road, Tucson, AZ 85712
Post University Waterbury CT 72482342 NECHE www.post.edu 800-666-6615 800 Country Club Rd, Waterbury, CT 06723
Premiere International College Fort Myers FL 70204450 ABHES www.picollege.edu 239-454-5000 2055 Central Ave, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Provo College Provo UT 85172003 ABHES www.provocollege.edu 877-660-4623 1450 W. 820 N., Provo, UT 84601
Quantic School of Business and Technology Washington DC 93159736 DEAC www.quantic.edu 571-483-8002 80 M Street SE Suite 2-196, Washington, DC 20007
Quest Nursing Education Center Tampa FL 47211110 www.questnursingschool.com/florida 813-828-2995 7402 North 56th Street, Suite 812 & 815, Tampa, FL 33617
Rasmussen College Bloomington MN 59303987 HLC www.rasmussen.edu 8300 Norman Center Drive, Suite 300, Bloomington, MN 55437
Riggs College Longwood FL 12759071 www.rcoah-edu.org 321-972-1741 2180 W. State Road 434, Suite 1124, Longwood, FL 32779
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Denver CO 23621271 HLC www.rmcad.edu 303-753-6046 1600 Pierce Street, Denver, CO 80214
Sessions College Tempe AZ 29369949 DEAC www.sessions.edu 408-212-1704 404 S Mill Ave, Ste 201, Tempe, AZ 85281
Skilltrade Grosse Pointe Woods MI 36310656 www.skilltrade.com 844-218-2494 20750 Mack Ave, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, 48236
Sonoran Desert Institute Tempe AZ 16229463 DEAC www.sdi.edu 800-336-8939 1555 W. University Dr, Suite 103, Tempe, AZ 85281
Sotheby's Institute of Art New York NY 81066682 NASAD www.sothebysinstitute.com 646-438-7248 570 Lexington Avenue 6th Floor, New York, NY 10022
South College Knoxville TN 73117072 SACSCOC www.south.edu 865-251-1800 3904 Lonas Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909
Spartan College of Aeronautics & Technology Broomfield CO 57476932 ACCSC www.spartan.edu/denver 866-462-3132 10851 West 120th, Broomfield, CO 80021
Spartan College of Aeronautics & Technology Tulsa OK 90324128 ACCSC www.spartan.edu/tulsa 866-301-7499 8820 E. Pine St., Tulsa, OK 74115
Stautzenberger College Maumee OH 43106339 ACCSC www.sctoday.edu 419-866-0261 1796 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, OH 43537
Strayer University Washington DC 27726183 MSCHE www.strayer.edu 877-582-0284 1133 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005
Stepful, Inc. Detroit MI 90285941   www.stepful.com 332-334-8285 19 Clifford Street, Detroit, MI 48226
Sullivan University Louisville KY 19065522 SACSCOC www.sullivan.edu 800-844-1354 3101 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY 40205
Tampa Medical College Tampa FL 49488923 www.tampamedicalcollege.org 813-932-1710 5701 E. Hillsborough Avenue, Tampa, FL 33610
Tech Elevator Cleveland OH 35714302 www.techelevator.com 877-606-3203 7100 Euclid Ave., Suite 140, Cleveland, OH 44103
The Art of Education University Osage IA 85171970 DEAC www.theartofeducation.edu 515-650-3198 518 Main Street, Suite A, Osage, IA 50461
The Recording Conservatory of Austin Austin TX 90324183 ACCSC www.trcoa.edu 512-231-0344 4615 City Park Road, Austin, TX 78730
The SANS Technology Institute North Bethesda MD 34070866 MSCHE www.sans.edu 301-241-7665 11200 Rockville Pike, Suite 200 ,North Bethesda, MD 20852
TripleTen Cheyenne WY 92563413 www.tripleten.com 413-323-3724 1603 Capital Ave, Suite#512A, Cheyenne, WY 82001
U.S. Career Institute Fort Collins CO 49488989 DEAC www.uscareerinstitute.edu 800-347-7899 2001 Lowe Street, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Unitek College Reno NV 43106284 ACCSC www.unitekcollege.edu/campus-locations/reno 888-725-5641 5250 South Virginia Street, Suite 220, Reno, NV 89502
Universal College of Healing Arts Omaha NE 12682882 ABHES www.ucha.edu 402-556-4456 8702 North 30th Street, Omaha, NE 68112
University of Advancing Technology Tempe AZ 81663236 HLC www.uat.edu 602-383-8228 2625 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ 85283
University of Arts & Design Draper UT 71435239   www.uad.education 385-899-2385 13894 S Bangerter Pkwy, Ste 200, Draper, UT 84020
University of Fairfax Salem VA 79423312 DEAC www.ufairfax.edu 888-980-9151 1813 East Main St., Salem, VA 24153
University of Phoenix Phoenix AZ 33474521 HLC www.phoenix.edu 800-328-0529 4035 S. Riverpoint Parkway, Phoenix, AZ 85040
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Irving TX 70166295 WASC www.usa.edu 800-241-1027 901 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 210A, Irving, TX 75038
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Austin TX 73117127 WASC www.usa.edu 800-241-1027 5401 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX 78739
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Coral Gables FL 51728637 WASC www.usa.edu 800-241-1027 800 S. Douglas Road, Ste 149, Coral Gables, FL 33134
Walden University Minneapolis MN 47211000 HLC www.waldenu.edu 844-821-3140 100 Washington Ave South, Suite 900, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Waldorf University Forest City IA 97715594 HLC www.waldorf.edu 877-267-2157 106 S. 6th Street, Forest City, IA 50436
Washington Technical Institute Minnetonka MN 50123488 MSCHE www.washingtontech.edu 952-465-3702 601 Carlson Parkway, Suite 1250, Minnetonka, MN 55305
West Coast University Richardson TX 70838971 WASC www.westcoastuniversity.edu 949-783-4800 2323 North Expressway, Richardson, TX 75080
William Howard Taft University Lakewood CO 44933394 DEAC www.taft.edu 877-894-8238 1325 S. Colorado Blvd., Building B, Suite 404, Denver, CO 80222