Alternative Refund Calculations
Cancellations, Withdrawals, and Refunds
California Education Code (CEC) §94919 and §94920 establishes specific requirements for institutional policies and procedures regarding cancellations, withdrawals and refunds to students.
Alternative Refund Calculations
CEC §94921 authorizes an institution offering an educational program, for which the refund calculations set forth in statute cannot be utilized, to petition the Bureau for approval of an alternative method for calculating tuition refunds. An institution seeking Bureau approval of an alternative refund calculation should submit, in writing, the proposed alternative calculation and evidence that the refund calculations contained in statute cannot be utilized because of the unique way in which the educational program is structured.
Please send the request to:
Dr. Michael Marion, Jr, Bureau Chief
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
RE: Alternative Refund Calculation Petition
P.O. Box 980818
West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818